Embrace your silly self
Starting a new role can feel like you’re under a microscope, with every move being watched and judged.
Half full or half empty?
We've never really improved on this classic mindset hack. It's as powerful as ever.
No certainty, only adventure
Adventures are fun precisely because you don't know what's coming!
Banish Self-Criticism
🛑 🙊 My top interview advice? Banish self-criticism. Never, ever say anything negative about yourself. Why do we do this?
Make a Habit of What Helps
🏃🥶Jogging in 25 degree weather? Five years ago - not an option. Today? Tough! But possible.
Use your V.O.I.C.E.
🚨🚨 Don't let "shoulds" hijack your purpose. "I should" is a red flag - a sign of actions we feel obligated to take, not those we're passionate about or believe in.
Your Inner Voice to Change
🌎 Change can feel too enormous to attempt or too murky to navigate. But when the voice inside you wants something different, why wouldn't you listen?
Plan B —> Plan BE!
🔥 Ditch your Plan B. Reframe it as your Plan BE! Instead of stacking-up fallback plans in case of failure, blend your ideas, values, passions, and strengths into a unified mission.
Should you Stay or Go?
😩 "After 20 years, I don't know how much longer I can stand the stress of this job." - How do you advise someone who makes this intense statement?
The Thrill of “No”
💪🏻 Saying "No" is intoxicating. Making a powerful decision to avoid what's not right for you is *proof* that you are following your path...and that's a rush!
Moving too Fast?
🍊 🤔 I meant to order three oranges but somehow bought 3 BAGS. Moving too fast, doing too many things looks like...a silly amount of fruit.
Feeling Good when things are Bad
💔 How do you feel good when things are bad? So much of my reading about personal development comes down to this question.
Struggling with Financial Concern
🐯 Financial concerns are processed in the same brain regions that react to mortal threats. They are the saber-toothed tiger of the modern age.
Work to Live, not Live to Work?
"I want to work to live, not live to work" —> Something I heard from several coaching clients last week. Is this a viable perspective in the current job market?