Half full or half empty?

🚰 Half full or half empty? We've never really improved on this classic mindset hack. It's as powerful as ever.

If you first encountered this profound challenge as a kid, I bet it blew your mind. It revealed that there are many "truths" about any situation—different ways to view what's happening and what's possible. Most importantly, it taught us that we have the power to choose which to focus on.

As we experience more of life, this is a critical muscle to build. By turning our attention to positive interpretations, we can progressively shift our automatic reactions. It’s about teaching ourselves to frame experiences in constructive ways. Call it gratitude, positive mindset, or "balance"—whatever works for you.

It's almost always possible - even for people in really challenging situations.

The main takeaway is realizing that you have the power to view your circumstances in terms of what's there for you. Appreciate what’s present, not just for its current value but also for the potential you can build upon it.

It can help to rely on others - friends, mentors, coaches - to help you reframe. Sometimes the outsider's perspective reveals other angles.

How do you remind yourself to keep seeing a half-full glass?

(Originally published on LinkedIn)


Questioning your inner judge


For whoever needs to hear this