The Thrill of “No”

💪🏻 Saying "No" is intoxicating. Making a powerful decision to avoid what's not right for you is *proof* that you are following your path...and that's a rush!

In a conversation today - about a cool opportunity that has potential to be lucrative and fun - I felt a swell of conviction that this was not for me. It wasn't aligned with any of the several streams that I'm in at this moment.

The inner negotiation raged: how could I think of declining a real chance to engage in a meaty role? Foolishness! Short-sighted!

But something else - something that's become stronger in recent months - brought out the veto. It said "That's not what we're doing, now."

That voice also urged me to decline respectfully, authentically and from a place of integrity.

I said - "I can't fully explain why, but this isn't what I want to do. I feel I'm helping you the most by being honest that you should look elsewhere."

I was still buzzing an hour later.

(Originally published on LinkedIn)


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