Motivation Snags
I tend to hit snags that derail my confidence and motivation. Here's an exercise I do that helps:
On a blank sheet - I respond (in a free / unstructured fashion) to the following prompts:
-"What happened?" - What was the specific event or situation that led to the perceived setback?
- "What do I think this means?” - Name the fear. What bad outcome does the setback trigger or predict?
- “Thrice Reframe!” - Describe three (or more) other perspectives or interpretations of what occurred.
- “What else is possible?” - In the new perspectives, what other outcomes, good or bad, could result?
- “What have I learned?” - Include anything you learned about yourself, your story, your situation or your strategy.
- “What’s most true?” - Review all perspectives and outcomes. Which ones resonate as being more likely - or truer - than your initial fear?
- “What’s next?” - With these facts and possibilities before you, what are your most powerful, authentic actions?
My simple goal is to emotionally re-regulate and convert the bleh-feelings into meaningful action.
I used this work last week to completely alter the course of an important conversation. I’m happy to share the details on a 1:1 call 😄📲
(Originally published on LinkedIn)