Avoidance Tools

"Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate." A version of this quote is attributed to Jung, but who cares who said it... it hit me hard! 🤯

I have a shed full of tools I use to bury the important work. Do any of these sound familiar?

- Procrastination

- Overcommitting

- Perfectionism

- Digital Distractions

- Denial

- Over-planning

- Excuse Making

- Busy Work

- Avoiding Decision Making

- Fear of Failure (or Success)

We're wired to grab these tools when change and an uncertain future are perceived as threats. That's a trap that evolution has set for us modern, digital weirdos. You may have your own story that highlights one of these more painfully.

Give yourself a break, this is the hard stuff.

I play with this idea: there's joy in motion. Asking questions, trying on new perspectives, sitting with difficult feelings - whatever puts me squarely in front of the thing I'm doing.

That works about 50% of the time... I'm choosing to see that as a win. 😇

(Originally published on LinkedIn)


Motivation Snags


Waiting for Bad News