Waiting for Bad News
⌛️ Waiting for the shoe to drop on a reorg, restructuring, or - at worst - a layoff can be very stressful. Uncertainty and helplessness are no way to get through the day.
Do yourself a favor and get some control back. Build your lifeboat and set your compass. You can't eliminate the uncertainty, so don’t try. Start helping yourself immediately. 🛶
I know it feels daunting and overwhelming. Just get started.
Begin with what you know. What work gives you energy and fits your values? Aim there.
Don’t get mired in the resume and profile, yet. That can wait. Talk to people. Connect and learn, voraciously. Adjust your heading. Use this time to develop a vision that excites you! You’ll need that fuel later.
Maybe the crisis passes and you re-engage where you are.
Maybe you keep that vision glowing in your drawer, just in case.
Maybe the bosses see your renewed energy and think a little harder about keeping you happy.
(Originally published on LinkedIn)